Key Stage 4 and Multi-Sensory Towards Adulthood


Kemball School offers nationally recognised qualifications for pupils to work toward.  Appropriate courses will be matched to a pupils’ academic ability.

Entry Level Certificate – An Entry Level is a level of qualification for students working below a GCSE level of grade G.  They are awarded as 3 levels; Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2 and Entry Level 3.  It is expected that students working higher than Entry Level 3 would be working towards appropriate GCSE’s.

ASDAN Curriculum

Asdan is an awarding body which provides a recognised qualification in skills towards learning, employment and life skills.  As a result, students do not ‘sit’ examinations as such, but progress is measured through achieving the required learning outcomes.  Currently Kemball offers  ASDAN qualifications:

Personal Progress – this is followed by students working on Progression steps.  It is made up of units in the following areas: English, maths, ICT, Independent Living Skills, Personal Development, Community Participation and Preparation for Work.

Personal Social Development – This is followed by pupils working towards Entry Level qualifications.  It is made up of units in the following areas: Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education, ICT, Independent Skills and Work Related Learning.

Asdan short courses – these are options chosen by the students within the functional pathway

As a result, each student will be following a personalised programme based on their need and level.