The intention of the Geography Curriculum at Kemball School, is to help pupils to develop a curiosity and understanding of the world, and their place within it.
At Kemball School we want our pupils to explore their immediate environment and have new experiences to develop more global understanding, underpinned by skills in communication, independence and social interaction. Geography is taught throughout the school, ensuring a development of skills and opportunities.
Geography is part of our broad and balanced curriculum. It is designed to support pupils to develop a curiosity about their world and the people within it and to gain an understanding of diverse places, people, resources and environments and how they relate to each other.

At Kemball we are committed to ensuring that the education provided to pupils is appropriate. Geography is taught across the Pathways in a variety of ways to ensure it is accessible to all pupils through age-appropriate teaching as well as teaching that is considerate of individual ability and understanding. Geographical skills and fieldwork underpins all of our curriculum in Progression and Functional pathways and is introduced in an appropriate manner in Engagement and Multi-Sensory pathway where appropriate.
Within Engagement and Multi-Sensory pathways Geography is taught as part of themed Topic lessons 3 times a week. It is assessed via the Engagement levels, EHCP targets and individual Engagement targets.
Within Progression pathway classes have 1 session of Topic a week, within this Geography is taught. Geography is focused on for one topic per term and this alternates with History provision. Geography is assessed via the Curriculum skills map which provides a progression of skills within the subject, these are updated termly.
Within Functional pathway Geography is taught through ASDAN, Careers and Travel Training. Classes participate in work experience and in trips out to the local and wider area alongside work within the school grounds. This is assessed via the ASDAN scheme and through their individual targets.
Pupils at Kemball School develop a sense of self, an understanding of their place in the world and a world beyond their local community. Pupils will have made a positive contributions to the environment and will show an understanding of how to protect our planet.