At Kemball School, we are passionate about the teaching of science. We reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of high standards in science and thrive to provide a science education that embodies the ability to progress learning and thrive. We aim to adapt our strategies to suit the unique needs of the pupils in our school, so that they can access scientific learning appropriately, in accordance with the pathways they are in. Learning is delivered in an exciting way that inspires pupils to be a part of the learning process and fosters curiosity, the ability to ask questions, learn new knowledge and learn new Scientific vocabulary. Pupils are encouraged to think scientifically, ask questions and be curious about their surroundings in order to provide the foundations for pupils to understand the world around them. Teachers, alongside the curriculum coverage work to develop a love of science and a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms. This enables pupils to foster the ability to think critically and problem solve, skills they can transfer to their everyday life and learning.
Science curriculum Implementation:
As our children move through the school, we believe that they should become increasingly more aware of the different disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We aim to provide a balance across the year that covers the three disciplines and supports progression of understanding.
In lessons students learn think and develop an ability to reflect, predict, change, analyse and understand basic cause and effect across the pathways, at the level that they can access. Teachers plan lessons in sequence that have a clear focus and allow pupils to progress and challenge themselves and their understanding of the world. The curriculum is broad and balanced and reflects a range of Scientific topics. Cross curricular opportunities are also identified, mapped, and planned to ensure contextual relevance and to make sure that we show pupils Science in the world around us. There are opportunities for pupils to explore their outdoor environments and locality, thus developing their scientific enquiry and investigative skills. Forest schools plays a key part to our learning and the use of our outdoor areas and school environment is fundamental to this. We also link a lot of or Science into our Eco school provision which is a key ethos within the school.
We allow our children to use newly learned vocabulary in all aspects of learning and make links with science and the wider world throughout their day. Pupils have the opportunity to take lessons outdoors as well as engaging in hands on learning with tools and equipment to carry out scientific experiments. Skills are revisited and developed over the years which enables the children to consolidate the skills they have learned and transfer these as the curriculum develops. We also embed our Science in to our Special Day curriculums.
Our children get excited when discussing science lessons and the enjoyment they have in them. The children can reflect on learning and its outcomes clearly and confidently, making links to the wider world where appropriate.
Progress in Science is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising children’s work to ensure there is a clear progression of skills being taught. Science staff meetings are also held to ensure teaching staff are up to date with new information and support can be given to those who seek it. When conducting peer to peer/ book scrutinises in work, pupil voice is also considered and a sample of children from each class will be asked to discuss their science learning. From this we see the excitement and children reflecting positively on lessons they have witnessed and taken part in. This also gives the children a chance to showcase the new vocabulary and use it in the correct context.
Our curriculum is different depending on the pathway that a child is in and assessment of pupil’s progression also differs depending on the pathway in which our pupils’ access.
Early Years Foundation Stage:
In our Early Years Foundation Stage teaching staff focus on aspects in Understanding the World to build the children’s knowledge, vocabulary and curiosity, however Scientific thinking is embedded in other areas of the EYFS curriculum. We have two EYFS classes one within the Multi-Sensory pathway and one within the Engagement pathway. Outdoor learning opportunities feature within the provision of the curriculum. The foundations set within our EYFS provision ensure that our children have a clear foundation for the years to follow and that they foster an enjoyment for scientific learning and a development of skills. Science is taught as part of our topic sessions. Teacher’s theme lessons around topics to inspire and make learning exciting to pupils. Pupils engage within a sensory curriculum. Scientific links are made cross curricular with other subjects where applicable.
Engagement and Multi-Sensory:
In our Engagement and Multi-Sensory pathways pupils are encouraged to build the children’s knowledge, vocabulary and curiosity through repetition and a sensory based curriculum. Outdoor learning opportunities feature within the provision of the curriculum. The curriculum allows for pupils to foster an enjoyment for scientific learning and a development of skills. Science is taught as part of our topic sessions. Teacher’s theme lessons around topics to inspire and make learning exciting to pupils. Pupils engage within a sensory curriculum. Scientific links are made cross curricular with other subjects where applicable.
Progression Pathway:
In Progression pathway our science curriculum pays reference to the national curriculum, tailored in a way that meets the diverse needs of our pupils. Emphasis is placed on:
- Developing scientific knowledge and understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- Developing understanding through different lines of scientific enquiries that help pupils to answer questions about the world around them.
- Pupils being equipped with relevant scientific knowledge
- Asking simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways.
- Observing, using simple equipment.
- Performing simple tests.
- Identifying and classifying.
- Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
- Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.
- Asking relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them.
- Setting up simple practical enquiries, comparatives, and fair tests.
- Making systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, learning how to take accurate measurements.
- Gathering, recording , classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways
- Recording findings using simple scientific language
- Reporting on findings
- Using results to draw simple conclusions and make predictions
- Identifying differences, similarities or changes
Progression pathway teaches Science as a standalone lesson one afternoon a week. This ensures Science is reflected as a core subject and that the pupils understand the importance of science in the world alongside developing the skills to think scientifically. Throughout the progression pathway curriculum there are a range of scientific areas covered within Biology, Physics and Chemistry. The progression pathway allows for repetition of scientific topics.
Functional Pathway:
Within our Functional pathway our science curriculum pays reference to the national curriculum with pupils building on the scientific skills and previous learning. The coverage of science is filtered through fundamental areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We have then identified topics within these areas which are motivating and meaningful to our pupils.
Science is taught weekly and sessions are planned to reflect previous learning, challenge ideas and prepare pupils for life. Science topics are identified on the curriculum overviews for each year group. The life skills curriculum within the functional pathways embeds scientific thinking skills. There are also cross curricular links within Options, Duke of Edinburgh and ASDAN.
In our Post 16 class, our young adults are encouraged to build their knowledge, vocabulary and curiosity through repetition and a multi-sensory curriculum. The curriculum allows for pupils to foster an enjoyment for scientific learning and a development of skills. Science is taught as part of our topic sessions which Maple access weekly. Teacher’s theme lessons around topics to inspire and make learning exciting to pupils. Pupils engage within a sensory curriculum. Scientific links are made cross curricular with other subjects where applicable.
Aspirations for the future:
At Kemball School we are always thinking about how to prepare our children for the next stage in their learning journey and beyond. We regularly talk to the children and their family about their aspirations and options when they leave Kemball. Some of our pupils will go on to have jobs that will use Science skills. Pupils may use scientific thinking skills in their future lives, so we aspire to prepare them for the future with the vocabulary we immerse them with.
For those pupils who learn through a sensory based curriculum, we aspire to give them the critical thinking and understanding required in order to explore the world around them.
Pupils at Kemball School are happy and confident individuals. They are taught to question, be curious and be as independent as possible within their learning. Pupils at Kemball School develop a balanced Scientific understanding across the three disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics which enables them to be part of a wider society and prepares them for life beyond school.