1. The admission of pupils to the school is largely controlled by the Local Authority (LA). The LA follows the procedures described in the SEN Code of Practice and may recommend placement at the school.
2. The school feels that it has a role to ensure parents are able to make informed decisions about the appropriateness of the LA’s recommendations. If the offer of a placement is accepted then the school would wish to make the transition as easy as possible for the child and his/her parents/carers.
3. The school takes the view that, as a public facility, it should be open to public scrutiny. Thus anyone who has an interest in the work of the school may request a copy of the school brochure and any other relevant material.
4. The school responds favourably to requests to visit the school. Parents /carers/families of prospective pupils are welcomed before or at an early point in the official assessment process.
5. During such visits the emphasis is placed on familiarisation with the school and its methodology. It is also pointed out to parents that the school is unable to make any observation on the appropriateness of a placement, in school without consultation from the Local Authority including the relevant paperwork such as a current EHC Plan.
6. When parents visit they are encouraged to bring other members of their family particularly if they take an active role in supporting the child. Parents/carers are also offered the opportunity of a visit with or without their child. In the first instance some parents/carers prefer to look around without their child so that they can ask any questions they may have without
7. The school always recommends to parents/carers that they should visit other establishments that educate children with similar disabilities.
8. The first visit usually comprises a meeting with the Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher who escorts the parents/carers on a tour of the school. There is opportunity to spend more time in the class(es) that may be appropriate. Depending on the nature of the visit and at what stage the assessment is at, a further visit may be planned. This might include bringing another member
of the family or the child in person.
9. The statutory school leaving age is 16. Pupils with special educational needs are entitled to receive full time education until the age of 19. Pupils leave Kemball at the end of the summer term of their 16th year (Year 11). All pupils have a Transition Plan from the age of 14 so that their post school placement can be organised as smoothly as possible. Our Functional Pathway Lead and home school link worker will support parents/carers with this transition. We have a post 16 provision for pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Needs.
10. It is emphasised that, if the LA has recommended a place and a vacancy exists, the final decision to accept or reject the place lies with the parents/carers.
11. After acceptance of a place and notification to the LA, the timing of the admission is discussed with the parents/carers. The arrangements are tailored to each family’s needs. For example a nursery aged child may make several visits with a parent/carer until all parties feel comfortable that the child is settling. Other pupils may initially attend transition visits with their 1:1 support from their mainstream setting.
12. Parents/carers are invited to attend a transition meeting in order to complete all necessary paperwork before a placement commences. In addition to this, staff from the child’s current setting are invited to support with the meeting and arrange transition dates. This is conducted with our transition co-ordinator, the class teacher, home school link worker and health care
support worker/physiotherapists, if necessary. This gives the school all vital information including medical needs where applicable. Amongst other things, school uniform, home school agreement and transport arrangements are
discussed at this meeting. At this meeting transition dates are set to assist the child in adjusting to their new setting before their full time placement commences.
15. In the weeks after admission staff keep close communication with parents/carers to ensure that any problems are quickly addressed.