Charging and remissions policy

1. At present it is school policy not to hire out its vehicles to outside bodies. Should this policy change the governing body would amend the policy accordingly. The school hires out the hall, sensory room, meeting rooms and hydrotherapy pool at the rate applicable at the time of the hire. A deposit of 50% of the total charge is to be paid in advance of the hire date. The hiring of the school’s facilities is subject to its current terms and conditions which are issued to the hirer at the same time as the booking form. These can be found in the Lettings policy. Educational and other statutory requirements will take
precedent over any other use.

2. As an integral part of the curriculum, pupils participate in educational visits. The school will not charge for any educational visit that is undertaken during the school day for educational purposes. For some visits which incur expenses such as admissions costs, parents will be invited to make voluntary contributions. No pupil will be excluded from any educational visit but if there are insufficient contributions towards the costs the activity may be cancelled.

3. Where pupils participate in residential or holiday activities the costs from external providers can be requested in addition to voluntary contributions to support the planned programme of activity.

4. Parents must sign their approval for all school educational visits. This includes visits during and/or after the school day, sporting activities and residential trips. If parents do not wish their child to take part, or the school has been unable to obtain a signature, alternative educational arrangements will be made in school. Teachers and office staff will ensure that the
necessary forms are completed so that all legal obligations are met.

5. Alternative arrangements for funding activities may be considered in certain circumstances by the school, where pupils are unable to make voluntary contributions.

6. Parents are asked to contribute, on a voluntary basis, towards the cost of materials and ingredients for practical subjects such as home economics. Parents are also asked to contribute, again on a voluntary basis, towards the cost of providing tuck at playtime or while out on educational visits; toiletries or other small items. A letter is sent each term suggesting an appropriate amount.

7. The preferred method of payment is via ParentPay (our cashless system) but any cash must be handed to the vehicle escort, who will hand it in to the school office where it is recorded. Parents are requested not to give money to
their child or put it in their school bags.

8. Voluntary contributions may be requested for any of the school’s activities. The school wishes to make it clear that there is no obligation to make a contribution and that no pupil whose parents do not make a contribution will be treated differently on this account.

9. In certain circumstances charges made by the school will be remitted in whole or part. For example, occasionally the school may be quoted a price for admission to an activity or venue and then is admitted free of charge or at a substantially reduced rate. If a pupil is absent and money has been collected for a visit, then the money will be refunded unless the school has
had to pay a substantial non-returnable deposit.