Kemball School
Special Educational Needs Policy
The aim of Kemball school is “We can because we try” In order to achieve this aim
we recognise that an individual’s learning, physical and health needs must be met
in order for them to achieve their potential.
This policy complies with the statutory requirement laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 3.65 and has been written with reference to the following guidance and documents:
Equality Act: advice for schools DfE
SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25
Schools SEN Information Report Regulations
Statutory Guidance on Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
The National Curriculum in England: framework for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Safeguarding Policy
Accessibility Plan
Teachers Standards
Our aim is to ensure that all pupils, receive appropriate educational provision, therapeutic input and pastoral support to achieve good outcomes and make outstanding progress. Each pupil at Kemball has individual and unique needs so we plan accordingly to ensure that all pupils are enabled to achieve their full potential. We have four distinct curriculum pathways that a child will be working within. The identified pathway reflect pupils needs however this may be reviewed in line with progress or
changing needs. We aim to provide for the learning, physical, social and care needs of all pupils in a
supportive environment. Education Provision:
All children attending Kemball have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) in place.
We provide education for children aged 3-16 with moderate to severe and/or
complex learning needs in conjunction with:
Autistic spectrum disorder, Communication difficulties, Multi-sensory impairment, significant medical conditions, physical disability, behaviours that some may find challenging.
We also have a post 16 provision for pupils with profound and multiple learning needs including complex medical conditions.
The school operates a Total Communication approach and we ensure that our routines and structures support the pupils to feel safe and happy. Communication is supported through objects of reference, Makaton, image based alternative
communication and communication devices. We believe that the physical environment is important in setting the climate for
learning. Our school building is airy and spacious and provides a calm and safe environment in which young people can thrive.
The school has facilities to promote a sense of well-being and provides a therapeutic environment: there are two sensory rooms, hydrotherapy pool with multi-sensory sound and light system, sensory diet roomand soft play area as well as technologies in the base classrooms such as touch screens and iPads. Outside, there are safe enclosed spaces for play outside every class room, two adventure playgrounds, outdoor gym, large sensory garden and areas that are used
for specialist bikes. In addition to this we have garden areas around the school that are also used for Forest Schools.
The Curriculum at Kemball School supports our vision of We can because we try by giving pupils the opportunity to learn and develop in a supportive and creative environment in which there is a focus on recognising achievement and supporting
progression. The curriculum is individualised and flexible allowing for the needs of each pupil to be met. The school is committed to providing a relevant and appropriate curriculum within the four distinct pathways. This is blended with opportunities for pupils to develop functional skills, independence skills and skills for working life as appropriate in line
with the 14-16 Curriculum. Learning outcomes are accredited via AQA unit awards and, where appropriate,
Entry Level qualifications – Functional Skills, GCSE and ASDAN Awards.
Our pupils have complex learning needs. In addition to the academic curriculum, their individualised timetables provide opportunities for pupils to withdraw from some lessons to participate in therapy sessions such as speech and language support, physiotherapy support, sensory diet and rebound sessions. Kemball School has established links with all the special schools within Stoke-on-Trent and the mainstream schools within our multi-academy Trust. In offering Outreach to
mainstream schools, Kemball has both secondary and primary school links. We offer outreach and inclusion activities from a range of settings to enrich the curriculum through additional learning opportunities.
Health and Therapy:
If required a child who attends Kemball has an individual programme of therapeutic support. During the transition and induction meeting time is spent with a member of the SLT, class teacher, school nurse, physiotherapist and home school link worker
who will meet both parents and pupil to discuss individual needs. Recommended strategies are then reinforced by class teachers and support assistants to ensure a holistic approach. We have close relationships with our Health Partners in Stoke-on-Trent and are able to access additional health input as necessary. Staff are trained to meet the care and health needs of each of our pupils.
Reviewing Progress:
The school tracks pupil progress in a number of different ways dependent on the pathway that a child is working in e.g. B Squared, Evidence for Learning, Engagement Profiles, EHCP milestone trackers, PHSE/Preparation for adulthood
targets. Progress against targets are monitored on a half-termly basis and reported to parents. Pupil Passports are in place to set and monitor targets against prior attainment. Parents are formally invited into school for the Annual Educational Review, where the school report is discussed and targets are set. Within this meeting the EHCP is amended. The ‘Annual Educational Review’ is an opportunity for all of the people involved in working with a child to come together with the parents, and the child, to discuss progress, plans for the following year and to raise any concerns. The annual review meeting is a person-centred process. End of year parents/carers meetings are also held which give parents/carers the opportunity to discuss the school report. Where appropriate we try to hold joint educational and social care reviews to ensure a wraparound service for children and their families. In addition to this the school/ class carry out termly coffee mornings through the school year.
Equal Opportunities:
The school supports the rights of all pupils to equal access and opportunities regardless of age, culture, religion, gender, ability, disability or sexuality. The school promotes an ethos of respect for everyone.
Continuing Professional Development:
A programme of ongoing CPD is in place to ensure that our staff are fully able to respond to and meet the needs of each pupil.
Any complaints made to the governing body from parents of pupils concerning the provision made at the school are dealt with under the procedures of OCT Complaints Policy.
Links to other policies:
Pathway handbooks
Drugs and medication policy
Manual handling policy
Equality, diversity and cohesions policy and Accessibility plan
Complaints policy
SEN information report